
Contact Manager

This Contact Manager is an ASP.NET MVC C# full stack web application that keeps track of your contacts. It includes two main models, which are the Contact and Category classes. There is a many-to-many...

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Introduction Bracketolgy is an application I developed to demonstrate how to balance brackets in a string with JavaScript. What this does is make sure each opening bracket has a matchi...

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Why I Chose To Code

I consider myself lucky to have had an eclectic experience in my working lifetime as far as the industries I was fortunate enough to have worked in. Some have included fundraising in the non-profit se...

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Are image maps obsolete?

Building websites many years ago was a challenge. We didn't have the powerful tools we use today. I am talking about when we would use tables for layouts, images for buttons, and flash for video and a...

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Get the previously visited URL

There may be a time when you would want to return to the previously visited page when performing action on data. One simple method is to use a helper or extension class. To maintain separation of conc...

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What is MVC?

MVC is a design pattern that helps organize your code to make it more manageable and easier to maintain. The MVC acronym stands for Model, View, Controller. These are the three categories that your co...

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This C# version uses the MVC model. The Model The model represents the database. It defines the database table as well as t...

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This code is structured in three functions.The first thing done was to add an event listener to the button so the code will fire when the button is pressed.The next getValue function gets the value ...

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Final CountDown

This code is structured in three functions.The first thing done was to add an event listener to the button so the code will fire when the button is pressed.The next getValues function gets the value...

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